Kate Chaussee
Finance Director

Kate Chaussee, was raised in Anchorage, Alaska and Washington State, but has always considered Alaska home. She feels an affinity for the land and the values of Alaska’s Indigenous People. Ms. Chaussee began serving tribal governments in 1995 as a fledgling grant writer. She received her law degree from the University of Iowa in 2000. From 2002 to 2006, Kate traveled in rural Alaska, camping and working in Atmautluak, Anvik, Kasigluk, Akiak, Tuluksak, Aniak and Togiak where she developed an even deeper respect for tribal governments, Alaska’s Indigenous People, and the work performed in the tribal government offices. Her law degree and 20 years of bookkeeping experience, came together in a skill set perfect for providing compliance support and training, grant management, audit preparation and audit finding resolution. Ms. Chaussee is an advocate for tribal social issues spending many hours grant writing to facilitate tribally driven programs for change including Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Prevention/Intervention Programs. In October 2017 Kate joined the Alaska Native Women’s Resource Center as the Finance Director wanting to focus her attention on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault. Her dedication to DV/SA prevention has grown from personal experience, the experience of her daughters and friends. She feels honored to join the AKNWRC team of amazing people facilitating tribally driven responses to domestic violence.