Nettie Warbelow

Nettie J. Warbelow is the Domestic Violence / Sexual Assault and ICWA Coordinator for the Village of Tetlin. She was born in Alaska and was raised in the Village of Tetlin, Alaska where she was raised traditionally, with her grandmothers teaching her the essentials of Athabascan Culture and language. Nettie is fluent in the Tetlin Athabascan dialect, and is a strong supporter and advocate of Culture preservation. Nettie has worked in the field of Social Services for Child Protection, ICWA, Advocate for DV/Sexual Assault, SART Trained, State Court Proceedings and Tribal Court for 20 years. She was involved during the passage of the ICWA law for Alaska. She also is an expert with ex parte for her clients with the Court systems. Nettie has demonstrated the capacity to carry out many tasks, including, but not limited to as Tetlin Council Liaison, Grant writer, Workshop Facilitator, Tetlin Corporation Assistant, and State Social Service Associate to Foster Care/Adoption. Nettie served on many Boards throughout her years advocating for people. Nettie also loves working with the Youth. Her passion is community healing through holistic culture and traditional teachings. Nettie has one daughter Sadie Rose, who is close to her heart.