Shirley Moses

Shirley Moses is an Inupiaq Eskimo, born in Nome, Alaska, whose tribal affiliation is the Sitnasuak Native Corporation/Bering Straits Native Corporation. She has a Masters in Education Administration, and approximately 30 years experience working in the Behavioral Health Field in various positions. She has taught Elementary Grades K‑8 in Rural villages throughout Alaska, and was a Principal Teacher. In addition to her experience in the classroom, she has worked as a Coordinator for SED Youth in Residential and Community Settings. She has experience with coordinating care in the school, behavioral health and community settings for dually diagnosed youth and Adults. She also worked for a statewide Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Coalition as a Program Assistant, Shelter Director, Coordinated Statewide/Regional and Village SA/DV Training and response, and is a certified SART Responder. She also was appointed by US Attorney General Eric Holder to sit on a 15 member National Coordination Committee to address Sexual Assault Response in Indian Country. This was a 2‑year appointment during which she represented Alaska Native Tribal concerns and needs pertaining to Sexual Assault Protocol. As a Domestic Violence Prevention Initiative (DVPI) partnership team member she has brought her extensive experience with Alaska Native culture to provide a Historical Trauma presentation focusing on the local tribal or regional history. As a team member, she is a strong voice advocating for victim rights across the state of Alaska. Shirley currently is the Director of Healing Native Hearts Coalition, a Tribal DV/SA Tribal Coalition funded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice.