In Memory of Sophie Sergie

In Featured, News by Candy Keown

AKNWRC would like to take a moment to honor Sophie Sergie and her family. Sophie’s family has been seeking justice for Sophie for nearly 29 years and never gave up hope that someday it would come. That day came today with a guilty verdict and justice for Sophie who was taken far too early. She finally has her justice.

The murder of Sophie Sergie has weighed heavily on our hearts and minds over last 29 years. It shocked Fairbanks to its core and the echo of that shock stretched across the state. It has shaped the work of many advocates in the field across the state and fueled their passion for the work. Being based in Fairbanks, many of AKNWRC staff has been greatly impacted and driven by her case.

Our thoughts are with the family and friends of Sophie. We hope that this verdict provides solace and some peace. We know that nothing will make up for the years lost but we are thankful that Sophie can now finally rest in peace having her justice. We are thankful for the DNA advancements and procedures that made this possible. No matter the amount of time having answers is healing. We hope to see more women find their justice through these DNA advancements as well.

We lift up Sophie’s family and friends as they work through and reprocess their grief during this time. We continue this work in hopes that we can help other families find their justice as well.