Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women: Learn about NamUs — National Missing and Unidentified Persons System & the State of Alaska Missing Person Clearing House 

In MMIW Resources, News, Resources, Webinars by Candy Keown

Webinar Description

Many of Alaska’s domestic violence perpetrators, defendants of gun violence, rapists and other violent crimes go without consequence because our communities lack law enforcement. Due to this women are dying from unnatural causes or disappearing. NamUs and the Alaska Missing Person Clearinghouse collects information about missing persons and the circumstances in hopes that there will be some sort of resolution. Please join us to learn how to help strengthen the data for our missing relatives.

Presenters: B.J. Spamer & Jessica Hager for the National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)
Malia Miller and Lt. Kat Shuey for the State of Alaska Missing Persons Clearinghouse

Presentation Slide Deck & Handouts

AK Webinar_April 2020

Missing Persons Presentation Final 03–25-20

March 2020