As was requested in the first quarterly call in June, we have set up the next quarterly call for September 6, 2017 at 11:00a.m. I am attaching a short agenda and a link for a webinar format. This will enable us to share information visually as well as through the phone. The short agenda includes the following:
1) Welcome and introductions (Darla & Tami)
2) OVW updates (Darla)
3) AK updates (Tami)
4) 2017 Annual Government-to-Government Violence Against Women Tribal Consultation Discussion (Sherriann, OVW Deputy Director Tribal Affairs Division)
5) Grantees Sharing/Q &A
Register Here
Please register as you would for a webinar. If anyone has difficulty let us know so we can make sure your able to connect.
The purpose of this meeting is to 1)inform tribal leaders about important legislative developments & priorities concerning domestic & sexual violence 2) provide information about organizing efforts of tribes & advocates at the local, regional, national & international levels to address the safety of Alaska Native women 3) engage Alaska tribal leadership & allies in discussing life-saving reforms in laws & procedures.