Quarterly Alaska Grantee Call

In News by support

As was requested in the first quarterly call in June, we have set up the next quarterly call for September 6, 2017 at 11:00a.m. I am attaching a short agenda and a link for a webinar format. This will enable us to share information visually as well as through the phone. The short agenda includes the following:

1) Welcome and introductions (Darla & Tami)
2) OVW updates (Darla)
3) AK updates (Tami)
4) 2017 Annual Government-to-Government Violence Against Women Tribal Consultation Discussion (Sherriann, OVW Deputy Director Tribal Affairs Division)
5) Grantees Sharing/Q &A

Register Here

Please register as you would for a webinar. If anyone has difficulty let us know so we can make sure your able to connect.