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March 11, 2025Candy KeownFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 11, 2025 Press Contact: AKNWRC Communications Tel: (907) 378‑3339 ALASKA NATIVE WOMEN’S RESOURCE CENTER RELEASES COMPREHENSIVE ALASKA SAFE HOUSING ASSESSMENT REPORT FAIRBANKS, AK — Today, the Alaska Native Women’s Resource Center (AKNWRC) celebrates the release of its “Alaska Safe Housing Assessment Report,” a comprehensive statewide evaluation of housing options for survivors of domestic violence. Our assessment, conducted from February 2023 to June 2024, identifies critical gaps in safe housing infrastructure and proposes solutions to address the severe housing crisis that survivors face across our state, including our Alaska Native survivors. The report, completed in collaboration with Strategic Prevention Solutions, a national research…
September 19, 2024Candy Keown
May 31, 2024Candy KeownRead our latest newsletter HERE!
AKNWRC Releases Resource Book — Alaska Native Women: Ending the Violence, Reclaiming a Sacred StatusNovember 27, 2023Candy KeownThe AKNWRC resource book is the first written text written from the perspective of Alaska Natives to explain the violence against our women due to the legal vulnerabilities forced upon Alaska Indigenous Nations. The book provides an Alaska Native view of domestic violence beyond individual acts of violence. It provides the context of why individual violence occurs at the disproportionate rates committed against Alaska Native women and continues generation after generation since contact. The book provides a path forward to support and heal from the violence by understanding how the current crisis of violence grew over time due to systemic…
November 15, 2023Candy KeownThe Not Invisible Act Commission released its final report and recommendations to the federal government on Nov. 1st. Responses to those recommendations are due within 90 calendar days. You can find the full report below. “It was an honor to serve on the NIA Commission with so many amazing people. We were tasked with the horrendous and enormous task to identify steps needed to intervene and stop the continuing crisis of Missing and Murdered and Trafficked people. We were honored to hear testimony from so many family members and survivors. We were moved by their courage in telling strangers about their…
May 5, 2023Candy KeownMay 5th is the National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIW), where we remember the lives of our MMIW sisters who have been devastated or lost and continue to call for action to end the MMIW crisis. Alaska continues to be one of the most dangerous states for violence against Indigenous Women and has the 4th highest MMIP cases nationally. WE MUST END THIS CRISIS! The AKNWRC invites you to wear RED with us TODAY! Please share a photo and use hashtags #MMIW, #MMIWActionNow, #NoMoreStolenSisters, and tag @niwrc and @aknwrc in your posts!
April 30, 2021Candy KeownTo read our newest newsletter click the link below for updates on what AKNWRC has been working on since our last Newsletter. Voices, Languages and Teachings Vol. 3 4.21
October 14, 2020Candy KeownNEW! AKNWRC Domestic Violence FactSheet Check out our new resource! To view PDF:
October 8, 2020Candy Keown Webinar Description The purpose of this webinar is to assist Alaska Tribes in getting prepared for the Annual 2020 VAWA Consultation. Presenters Debra O’Gara, Paula Julia, Mike Williams Presented on September 30, 2020 Presentation Slide Deck and Handouts: Tribal Leader Letter TConsultation 2020 Approved Final.9.24.2020 Combined Framing Papers Annual Consultation reports: OVW’s grant programs are at Restoration Magazine– Use this link to access the entire June Restoration Magazine (RM). The other issues included in this RM might be helpful to tribal leaders in preparing for the consultation, particularly the legislative updates (p 47–53).
August 3, 2020Candy KeownU.S. Department of Justice New! The OVW Fiscal Year 2020 COVID-19/Violence Against Women Assistance to Tribes Solicitation is now available: Apply by: September 16, 2020 This solicitation allows tribes (and as applicable, tribal designees, tribal organizations, and tribal nonprofit organizations) to submit short, simplified applications for special funding under two OVW grant programs – Grants to Indian Tribal Governments Program and the Tribal Sexual Assault Services Program. Eligible applicants may apply to both programs covered by this solicitation, regardless of the status of current applications or awards under these programs. Applicants must submit a separate application for each program covered by this solicitation.…
May 27, 2020Candy KeownCollecting and having accurate and reliable data available is an essential ingredient for increasing legislative protections, criminal prosecutions and setting up safeguards for Indigenous women, girls and boys. The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs) collects and reports on missing persons throughout the United States with the goal of having the data be shared across jurisdictions, Tribal and law enforcement agencies.
April 3, 2020Candy KeownWebinar Description Many of Alaska’s domestic violence perpetrators, defendants of gun violence, rapists and other violent crimes go without consequence because our communities lack law enforcement. Due to this women are dying from unnatural causes or disappearing. NamUs and the Alaska Missing Person Clearinghouse collects information about missing persons and the circumstances in hopes that there will be some sort of resolution. Please join us to learn how to help strengthen the data for our missing relatives. Presenters: B.J. Spamer & Jessica Hager for the National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)…
August 6, 2019Candy KeownDescription VAWA 2005 requires DOJ, HHS, and DOI to consult with Indian tribes on an annual basis. This interaction on a nation-to-nation basis has allowed tribal governments and the United States to discuss matters that at the broadest level impact the safety of Indian women, and to propose strategies to address these issues. We hope that you will join our webinar to review outstanding or emerging issues to address the most serious roadblocks to the safety of Native women and how you can voice your concerns and provide recommendations to increase accountability and enhance the safety for Native women. Tribal Title, Section…
June 11, 2019Candy KeownPlease join us for this Symposium! More information to come.
April 17, 2019Candy KeownDOJConsultationPrinciples_Dec2014
April 15, 2019Candy KeownNIJ “This report examines the prevalence of violence against American Indian and Alaska Native women and men, using a large nationally representative sample from the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence survey (NISVS). More specifically, it provides estimates of sexual violence, physical violence by intimate partners, talking, and psychological aggression by intimate partners. It also provides estimates of interracial and interracial victimizations and briefly examines the impact of violence. Results should be used to raise awareness and understanding about violence against American Indian and Alaska Native women and men.”
February 5, 2019Candy KeownWebinar Description Applications are now being received by the Family & Youth Services Bureau. The Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (FVPSA) Grants to Native American Tribes (including Alaska Native Villages) and tribal organizations are formula grants funded through a 10% set aside in the FVPSA appropriation. The purpose of these grants is to assist Tribes in efforts to increase public awareness about, and primary and secondary prevention of, family violence, domestic violence, and dating violence, and to provide immediate shelter and supportive services for victims of family violence, domestic violence, or dating violence, and their dependents.Funding is available to all…
November 12, 2016aknwrcPurchase Book
November 9, 2016aknwrcIndian Law Resource Center, Safe Women Strong Nations Indian Law Resource Center’s Handbook on the InterAmerican Human Rights System NIWRC’s Special Collections: International Advocacy to Help End Violence Against Native Women
November 9, 2016aknwrc2013–2015 PDFs AFNResolutions15-29 AFNResolutions14-45 AFNResolution13-14
November 9, 2016aknwrcILOC Nov. 2013 Chap. 2 | Full Report USDOJ Nov. 2014 Defending Childhood Initiative Chap. 5 NIJ New 2016 Report, by Andre Rosay OVW Consultation Reports from 2009 to present
November 9, 2016aknwrcIntro paragraph connecting Restoration to ANWRC Key articles on ANWRC: Restoration Magazine website
September 15, 2015aknwrcIntro to VAWA… Final Rule Nov 2013 Pilot Project BILLS-109 hr3402 enr BILLS-113 s47 enr VAWA 2005_PL109_162 VAWA 2005 Technical Corrections